Create a Comprehensive Cyber Security Plan
Have a cyber security plan in place that includes safe email practices. You can use this tool provided by the Federal Communications Commission to develop a customized security plan for your IT system: This tool helps manage and protect your data.
Use Strong Passwords
Use a long, hard-to-guess password for your email account. Make sure your password has a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not use words that can be found in the dictionary. Do not set your password to be the name of your family members, pets, or other information that can be accessed on your social media accounts.
Employee Cyber Awareness Training
An important step for ensuring cyber security for your business is conducting ontinuous training for employees on how to respond to emails containing phishing or malware attacks. Training staff on how to identify and manage suspicious emails is vital for maintaining computer and network security for the organization.
Use Quality Antivirus Measures
Most antivirus programs are equipped with mail filtering and scanning capabilities. Make sure these settings are enabled in your email system.
Create Blacklists and Whitelists
Blacklists and whitelists are helpful in that they regulate traffic from known sites. These lists can be maintained by your email account itself or the domain controller of your network. You can easily set blacklists to block traffic from known malware or phishing sources.
Kota Technology and Email Security
At Kota Technology, cyber security is a top priority. We have many tools in place to ensure that our client information is kept safe from unauthorized use. However, email remains one of the top ways hackers can obtain or destroy sensitive information from clients’ email accounts. If you are not using Kota Technology for your IT support, check with your current IT provider to ensure that they have proper security measures in place for email.
Call 1-888-KOTA-SYS or email to learn more.